Carlos Morales

Enterprise UI Architect at Avaloq

Setting good engineering practices with an organization-wide technical impact.

Carlos Morales

Personal Bio

I am an engineer, architect, programmer, system administrator, product owner, learner, and many others I forgot.

My first contact with a computer was when I was six years old, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum+ that I still own. As a teenager, I spent many weekends compiling Linux, just for fun. My final degree project was a complete functional firewall; building something inside the Linux Kernel has been one of the most challenging and rewarding projects I have ever faced. Since then, I have been learning, programming, building, and playing with computers. Many years of professional experience have not reduced this passion.

I have broad experience and knowledge of Web technologies, which I love. Currently, I architect big web applications in fintech, setting best practices and mentoring other engineers on how to build distributed systems. Lately, I also enjoy learning AI and Machine Learning, which will become the new electricity. ✨✨✨⭐✨

You could download my CV here.