Is cloud cheaper than on-premise?
For many companies, the cloud was sold as a cost-effective way of running their applications. Our experience proves this is not always the case. A proper architecture is required. These are my most important lessons learned.
Measuring web performance: lab vs. production
This post describes why it is important to measure and collect web performance in production environments and offers a high-level solution on how to do it.
Observability in distributed systems
Understanding what happens in a distributed system is extremely important and, at the same time, way more complex.
Understanding JavaScript closures
After reading this, you will also understand what a JavaScript closure is.
Best practices when building docker images
15 best practices when building Docker images regarding performance, reproducibility and security.
Modularization and semantic versioning
Modern applications are designed as modular systems. Semantic versioning is one of the most important techniques to manage them.
The cost of JavaScript
The cost of JavaScript compilation is expensive, most developers are not aware of this impact on web loading performance.
Web Components and the future of web frameworks
Web Components allows us to create reusable custom elements in the browser. Here I discuss why they will replace current web frameworks.
GraphQL is taking over APIs
GraphQL is becoming very popular. What are the motivations of this popularity and what are lessons we can learn from experienced teams?
The state of JavaScript
Each year there is a survey on JavaScript, this briefly summarizes the last one.
Edge browser uses now Chromium
Microsoft decided to focus on what brings more value to their users for their Edge browser and use Chromium as the core engine. What were the reactions and the implications?
For the record .... none of the ideas expressed in this blog post are shared, supported, or endorsed in any manner by my employer.